Dead chick embryo on day 18?


Feb 20, 2015
Cattlet, VA
Candled a chicken egg on day 18 today about to go into lockdown. The inside does not look to everyone elses. There are one or two single veins that are very thin and look faded. The chick doesn't move around and I can see his eyes as a black dot. Usually that means dead for eggs on day 7-14 in my expierience. I gently wiggled the egg and it doesn't move.

Someone please help on your opinions, won't hunt you down if you are wrong, I just want to know if I should toss it incase it explodes.

Thank you!
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I would leave it - at day 18, its so dark in there.... you may not be able to see much of anything. If the egg doesn't smell bad, it likely won't bust before the hatch.

Good Luck & Happy Hatching!
I would leave it - at day 18, its so dark in there.... you may not be able to see much of anything. If the egg doesn't smell bad, it likely won't bust before the hatch.

Good Luck & Happy Hatching!
I guess I will then and pray a whole lot. These eggs mean so much as they were the last survivors of my terrrible temperature mistake on day 1. Thank you!

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