dead tissue around prolapse


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 5, 2010
my girl has been prolapsed for 2 and a half days now she seems alert, but the prolapse is very bad. She seems to be picking off the dead skin???? is she??? anyway twice a day I give her a warm water and olive oil bath then mix up some honey and triple antibiotic gel, slather it on and put the prolapse back inside... Is this all futile because the tissue is like dead or dried out.. she wont drink unless i force her to and meanwhile I hear her straining all day, flatulence and runny poo. she wont eat either, just strains all day...
That doesn't sound good, but I don't know much to help you. If the tissue is really dry and dead, it may slough off, but I don't know what she will be left with. Picking at the dead tissue is probably a normal response to the way this feels to her. With what you have said about the way she is straining, not eating, etc. I would wonder if she has an infection going on that needs antibiotic treatment. It seems like she is uncomfortable and may be eggbound at the same time. I hope someone else comes on here with more experience with this sort of thing. Good luck with your girl!
thank you for your concern, i think that the back yard crew is the very best in the world

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