Dead turkey


Aug 29, 2018
Hi there, we have 9 B.B. turkeys as of this morning. I fed them and watered them at 1 PM today. My wife came home at 5 PM and called me saying that one of our biggest toms is on his back in the coop dead. All nine bird seems happy and healthy eating and drinking this morning. He is 18 weeks old and about 25 pounds. Do you think this is a hard attack from getting too big? I’m in Michigan and It has been cool but the last two days have been hot in the mid 80’s. My birds were panting when I came home. I don’t know what could. caused such a sudden change. I’m thinking of taking them to this butcher this week so I don’t lose anymore. I just don’t know if it was a parasite or something else That will hurt the meat. So sad... he was so sweet!
I'm sorry for you loss.

I don't know much about Turkeys, but the best way to find out the cause of sudden death would be to perform a necropsy. You can do an informal one yourself looking at the internal organs for anything "off" or send him to your state lab to get an official diagnosis.

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