My eggs are now on day 19. My incubator has temps that vary about .5 to .7 degree from one side to the other. When I left for work last night the temp was 99.9 on one side and 99.4 on the other. When I got home this am my temp was 99.4 on one side and 97.6 on the other!!! I don't know how long it was this low, probably sometime in the middle of the night because it turned pretty cool out last night. It took a little while to get it regulated back again. Is this going to mess up my hatch??? When I candled at 18 days 10 of 11 were full sized and moving, the other one looked like there was some movement, but didn't take up the whole shell. I'm freaking out!! My temps and humidity have stayed pretty stable until now. Also, my humidity is finally up, but it is now about 61%. Is this too high??