Demon Of Night-/-A Warriors Cats RP


Free Ranging
8 Years
Jan 21, 2016
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A dark tabby Shecat with white paws stalked around a pich Black Forest.She saw a Kit and smirked.She stalked toward the Kit,"Squrrielkit"She murmured darkly.The Orage Shekit looked at her frightfully.She tabby chuckled.Squrrielkit got up and stood in front of her,"You don't scare me!"she snarled."Im bigger then my body"The tabby said, almost singing majestically, but frightfully,"Im colder then this hooooome!"She snarled,"Im meaner then my demons"Two cats, a male and a female stalked out behind the Shecat,"I'm bigger then these booooones!"The kit looked frighted,"Please stop your scaring me!"she cried out."StarClan right you should be scared of me!"A trail of flames lit up along side of the Shecat as she stalked toward the kit.The tabbys eyes lit up and her fur blew,"Whos in cooooontrooool!"The tabby vanished and Squrrielkit woke up in her den, frightened,"It was only a dream"she whispered.
****Side Note:If you wonder were,"I'm bigger then my body, colder then this hooooome!Im meaner then my demons, I'm bigger then these Booones!Then a kit cried out,"Please stop your scaring me!"On and on, it's a bit different, but it came from this video:
all rights go to it original owner, but if you imagine that this song is playing the hole time in this RP, that's what I'm going for****

A young Kit, Named Squrrielkit from DawnClan is frightened.Or, almost all of the kits and apprentices and young warriors, almost everyone for that matter are frighted out of there wits, flinching at every sound.For you see, The leader of MossClan, the most evil Clan in the forest, Fawnstar, has turned agasnt the Warrior Code, they don't even have a Medicine Cat.And, a even darker threat lurks within.A Shecat from The Dark Forest, Bramblefur, has her own Clan of Rouges and Dark Forest Cats and she and the rest are trying to Train kits from DawnClan and StreamClan, to be able to fight.When The Dark Forest and Bramblefur and her pack attack, will DawnClan, StarClan and StreamClan be able to hold the weight of three other Clans?


Warrior Cats Cat Rankings

Kit: Kits are the youngest of the Clan. Until they become six moons (six months), they are stuck in the nursery with their mothers, eagerly awaiting the day they become an apprentice. They can either become a warrior or a medicine cat based on their interests, although most become warriors.

Apprentice: An apprentice is a young cat training to be a warrior. They are usually trained by an experienced warrior. Their mentor teaches them to hunt, fight, and protect their Clan, and teaches them the Warrior Code. The Warrior Code is a list of rules each and every cat must follow. Apprentice’s names end in ‘paw, such as Leafpaw, Hollypaw, and Poppypaw.

Warrior: Warriors protect, feed, and defend the Clan. Some warriors can become mentors and train younger cats, called apprentices, to become a warrior. Warriors names can end in various names, such as Fireheart, Sandstorm, Ashfur, and Brambleclaw.

Senior Warrior: These warriors are older than most, and are close to joining the Elder’s den.

Elder: Once a warrior becomes too old to continue fighting and protecting their Clan, they have the option of becoming an elder. Elders usually tell kits stories, and are frequently groomed and checked for ticks by warrior apprentices.

Queen: Queens are she-cats that are expecting or nursing kits. If a female warrior is expecting kits, they join the queens in the Nursery.

Medicine Cat Apprentice: The Medicine Cat apprentice is trained to become a Medicine Cat. A Medicine Cat doesn’t necessarily have to die for the apprentice to become a full Medicine Cat; usually, they finish their training before their mentors join StarClan.

Medicine Cat: The Medicine Cat is the closest cat to StarClan, the Clan’s warrior ancestors. They can predict prophecies by reading signs. They also heal cats, and know herbs and berries most helpful for healing their Clanmates.

Deputy: The Deputy of the Clan organizes patrols and keeps the Clan in order. They have regular warrior names. If the Clan leader dies, they will take over and become the new leader of the Clan.

Clan Leader: The Clan Leader rules the Clan and decides what they’ll do. All Clan Leader’s names end in ‘star, like Firestar, Bluestar, and Blackstar.

Other Rankings

Kittypets: Kittypets, or “Twoleg pets,” are looked down upon. They eat gross “rabbit pellets,” as the Clan cats call them, and live with Twolegs. Most Clan cats would never stoop this low, for it is against the Warrior Code, and everything they have ever lived by.

Rogues: Rouges are cats outside the Clans that defend their own territory. Most don’t have warriors names, and have names similar to Kittypets'.

Loners: Loners are the same as rogues, although they don’t claim their own territory.

Medicine Cat info:

Alfalfa - used to prevent tooth decay.
Aloe Vera - Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns.
Ash (tree) - New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed and applied to the bite of an Adder or Viper to stave off the effects of its poisoned bite.
Beech Leaves - used for carrying herbs.
Bindweed - used to fasten sticks to broken limbs to keep them in place.
Blackberry Leaves - when chewed to a pulp, it helps eases the swelling of bee stings.
Blessed Thistle - increases circulation of blood
Borage Leaves - used to treat fevers and helps nursing mothers with their milk supply. Borage should never be used dried, only green.
Bramble Twigs - Chew this into a fine syrup. It helps to sleep.
(Broken) Rosemary Blossoms - used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.
Broom - poultice helps broken legs and other serious wounds
Burdock Root - When the dug up root has been washed, it can be chewed into a pulp which is good for all cuts and scrapes, especially rat bites, even if they're infected.
Burnet - Used in traveling herbs. Helps wounds heal faster.
Catch Weed - Burrs can be used to help hold treatment onto a cat.
Catmint - used to treat whitecough and greencough; can help to relax a cat
Celandine - used to treat ailments of the eyes. Used to strengthen weak eyes.
Chamomile - used to calm a cat. Leaves and Flowers may be consumed to sooth a cat and add to their physical strength.
Chervil - used to treat bellyache. The juices of the leaves are used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyache.
Chickweed - used to help treat greencough. If there is no catmint around, it is a good substitute to counter greencough.
Cob Nuts - made into ointments.
Cobwebs - used to stop bleeding. Generally only used with wounds that risk bleeding heavily as they can cause increased risk of infection.
Coltsfoot - This flowering herb is effective against kittencough, and the leaves can be chewed into a pulp which can be eaten to help shortness of breath
Comfrey - used to treat broken bones
Daisy Leaves - If chewed into a paste it can be a useful remedy for aching joints.
Dandelion Leaves - used to calm a cat
Deadly Nightshade - small dark purple berries that are just as poisonous as deathberries
Deathberries - Deathberries (known to Twolegs as yew) are so poisonous that a single berry can kill a young cat. Extremely deadly
Dock - Good for making a cat's coat as slippery as a fish, the leaf can also be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches. (Chew it up and spit it out to make a cat's coat slippery). Also good for treating rat bites.
Dried Oak Leaf - Used to stop infections.
Echinacea - Used to ease infection.
Fennel Stalks - break the stalks and squeeze the juices into the recipient’s mouth to ease hip pain.
Ferns - Used to clean out wounds.
Feverfew - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain. Leaves can be used to reduce fever, in addition to being consumed to aid against colds and stomach ailments.
Foxglove - Seeds are used to help the heart, but they can EASILY cause paralysis and heart failure. The leaves are used on deep wounds to stop bleeding quickly. ALMOST ALWAYS KILLS! USE AS A LAST RESORT (IF EVER)!
Ginger - used for asthma and coughs
Goldenrod - A poultice of goldenrod is great for healing wounds, and can also help aching joints and stiffness.
Grass - use to treat bellyache
Gumweed - Helps seal wounds from infection and helps to heal the wound quicker
Hawthorn Berries - Used for indigestion
Hawkweed - useful when treating illnesses.
Hedgehog Buds - Used to treat/cure runny noses
Heather Nectar - used to sweeten herbs.
Holly Berries - POISONOUS! While not as dangerous as deathberries, they are still a danger to kits.
Honey - used to treat sore throats. Particularly good for smoke inhalation.
Horsetail - The leaves of this tall plant can be used to treat infected wounds, usually by being chewed up for a poultice. The sap can also be used in combination with cobwebs to stop heavy bleeding
Iris - Used to stimulate breathing during the birthing process; can also be used for kit's sore throats. Everything but the petals is poisonous.
Ivy - Used to help calm a cat and help heal small scrapes. Also used for coughs, if nothing else is available.
Juniper Berries - used to treat bellyache. Berries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems. Also used to help treat shock.
Lamb's Ear - used to give a cat strength
Lavender - Leaves & flowers are particularly good when eaten for easing pains in head and throat, and curing fever. Inhaling the scent of fresh flowers can also calm the nerves.
Lotus - Used as an energizer to help keep you awake.
Mallow Leaves - Used to treat bellyaches.
Marigold - The petals or leaves can be chewed into a pulp for a poultice to wounds, as well as stopping infections. One of the best herbs for cracked paw pads. If eaten can make a cat expel poisons from the body by vomiting.
Milkweed - Use to treat sores or burns. Do not use around ears or eyes. Poisonous when eaten.
Moss - Makes good bedding
Mouse Bile - used to remove ticks from a cat's coat. Press on ticks. Soon they'll drop off. Warning! Do NOT eat mouse bile or you'll have that horrible taste in your mouth for days! To carry around, put mouse bile in a big leaf and wrap up the leaf and you can carry. Be sure to wash your paws when done. In a stream of course!!!!
Narcissus - Soothes a cat when she is having contractions
Nettle (leaves) - The leaves are applied to reduce swelling
Nettle (seeds) - used to counter poison. The seeds are swallowed
Parsley - Used to stop the flow of a queen's milk; also used to soothe bellyaches.
Pawpaw - Used to treat kittencough
Poppy Seeds - The best herb there is to numb pain, distress, and shock and ensure a good night's sleep
Ragweed - used to give a cat strength *similar to Lamb's Ear
Ragwort - Even though ragwort is used for medicinal uses, it is highly poisonous, as it often gets cows and horses very sick. Use yarrow right away. Juniper also helps afterward. Don't eat!!! Use alongside juniper berries in a poultice to treat aching joints.
Raspberry - An herb used in kitting, It could be a painkiller, or to help stop bleeding during the kitting.
Rosinweed - Used to clean out the system when poisons have been digested
Rush - Used to bind broken bones
Sage Roots - Use for cracked pads, use with poppy seeds
Skullcap Seeds - Used to give a cat extra strength
Snakeroot - used to counter poison
Sorrel - used to soothe scratches
Stinging Nettle - The leaves are used to reduce swelling. The seeds are used to counter poison by inducing vomiting.
Tansy - used to treat coughs. Leaves may be chewed to relieve joint aches. Flowers should be consumed to remove coughs. Pregnant Queens should NEVER be given Tansy, because it causes miscarriages.
Thyme - Should be consumed to calm the anxious cat, or to aid in bringing restful sleep.
Tormentil - chew this and place it on the wound to expel poison.
Water Mint - The best cure for bellyaches. Eat. Has a really good minty taste, you'll know when you eat it.
Wild Garlic - rolling in this can help to keep out infection. If you got lots of cuts and scrapes, especially from rat bites, make sure you roll in some wild garlic to keep out infection.
Willow Tree - Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be dripped into the eyes to help clear blurriness of vision. It may also be applied to dry patches of skin to sooth itches. Small amounts of Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea or fevers.
Windflower - Used to treat stomach cramps, such as when a she -cat becomes pregnant
Wintergreen - used to treat wounds and some poison.
Witch Hazel - Used to give you an extra boost, this will wake you up (energizer)
Yarrow - used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons from the body. Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting. Entire plant should be chewed and applied to wounds to relieve pain and prevent infection. Only give it to cats that ate something poisonous. Sometimes when cats are really sick yarrow is used to make the patient vomit out the sickness. That only works sometimes. This herb can also be used as an ointment, used to soften paw pads
Yew (Deathberries) (Night Seeds) - POISONOUS! Roots & leaves may be chewed together and applied to sore places. If a cat eats them (most likely a kit), then scoop all the berry leftovers out of their mouth. Then force them to swallow yarrow. The victim will vomit out most of the poison, but not all of it. They will be very sick for the next few days.

Blackberry Leaves: This herb is good for bee stings.

Borage Leaves: This herb is used to treat fevers. It also helps nursing queens bring up their milk supply.

Burdock Root:This herb is used to treat infections, and is especially good for rat bites.

Catmint (also called catnip): This herb is good for treating whitecough and greencough.

Celandine: This herb is used to ease pain. It can also be used to treat injuries of the eyes.

Chamomile: This herb is used to calm a cat in the case of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Chervile: This herb is used to treat bellyache.

Chervile Root: This herb is used to keep away and treat infections.

Chickweed: This herb can be used as another treatment for greencough.

Coltsfoot: This herb can be used as another treatment for whitecough. It can also be used to ease a sick cat's breathing.

Comfrey: This herb is used to put broken bone on the right path for mending.

Daisy Leaves: This herb is used to soothe aching joints.

Dandelion Leaves: This is another herb used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Dock Leaves: This herb is used to treat nettle stings. Its juices are also good for soothing sore paw pads.

Elder Leaves: This herb can be used to help treat sprains.

Feaverfew: This herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches.

Goldenrod: This herb is used in poultices to treat aching joints and stiffness. It can also be used to treat severe injuries.

Goosegrass: This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound.

Horsetail This herb is used to treat infected wounds.

Juniper Berries: This is another herb used to treat bellyache. It can also be used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Lavender: This herb is used to treat coughs and fevers. It can also be used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdwn or severe shock.

Mallow: This herb is used to fight infection. It can also be used to treat bee or wasp stings.

Marigold: This herb is used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can also heal sores.

Nettle Leaves: This herb is used to keep down the swelling of a wound.

Nettle Seeds: This seed is used to counter the effects of weak poisons.

Oak Leaves: This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound and to fight infection.

Parsley: This herb is used to stop the initial flow of milk in nursing queen. (After kits feed, a queen's milk still flows, and this herb is used to dry it up so it can be saved for later.)
Poppy Seeds: This seed is used to numb pain and help a cat sleep. Giving a cat more than two seeds may negitivly affect their health, so be careful.

Ragwort Leaves: This is another herb used to treat aching joints.

Raspberry Leaves: This herb is used to ease pain during a queen's kitting.

Snake Root: This herb is used to counter the effects of poison.

Tansy: This herb is used to treat coughs. It can also be used to heal wounds.

Thyme: Yet another herb used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Tormentil: This herb is good for treating wounds and countering the effects of weak poisons.

Traveling Herbs: These herbs are eaten by cats before making long journies, such as ones to the Moontree. They keep away the pangs of hunger and gove a cat strength.

Watermint: This is another herb used to treat bellyache.

Yarrow: This herb is used to make a cat vomit. This action expels poisons from the body.
Non-Herbal Medicine:

Cobwebs: Cobwebs are used to stop bleeding.

Honey: Honey is used to treat sore throats.
Here you can find out everything you've ever wanted to know about being a Clan medicene cat. Of course, we don't expect you to memorize all this. It's only here in case you need to find out something specific, such as a cure for bellyache. Things like that. :)

List of Herbs (in alphabetical order):

Alder Bark: Bark from an alder tree is good for healing toothaches.

Blackberry Leaves: This herb is good for bee stings.

Borage Leaves: This herb is used to treat fevers. It also helps nursing queens bring up their milk supply.

Burdock Root:This herb is used to treat infections, and is especially good for rat bites.

Catmint (also called catnip): This herb is good for treating whitecough and greencough.

Celandine: This herb is used to ease pain. It can also be used to treat injuries of the eyes.

Chamomile: This herb is used to calm a cat in the case of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Chervile: This herb is used to treat bellyache.

Chervile Root: This herb is used to keep away and treat infections.

Chickweed: This herb can be used as another treatment for greencough.

Coltsfoot: This herb can be used as another treatment for whitecough. It can also be used to ease a sick cat's breathing.

Comfrey: This herb is used to put broken bone on the right path for mending.

Daisy Leaves: This herb is used to soothe aching joints.

Dandelion Leaves: This is another herb used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Dock Leaves: This herb is used to treat nettle stings. Its juices are also good for soothing sore paw pads.

Elder Leaves: This herb can be used to help treat sprains.

Feaverfew: This herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches.

Goldenrod: This herb is used in poultices to treat aching joints and stiffness. It can also be used to treat severe injuries.

Goosegrass: This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound.

Horsetail This herb is used to treat infected wounds.

Juniper Berries: This is another herb used to treat bellyache. It can also be used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Lavender: This herb is used to treat coughs and fevers. It can also be used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdwn or severe shock.

Mallow: This herb is used to fight infection. It can also be used to treat bee or wasp stings.

Marigold: This herb is used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can also heal sores.

Nettle Leaves: This herb is used to keep down the swelling of a wound.

Nettle Seeds: This seed is used to counter the effects of weak poisons.

Oak Leaves: This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound and to fight infection.

Parsley: This herb is used to stop the initial flow of milk in nursing queen. (After kits feed, a queen's milk still flows, and this herb is used to dry it up so it can be saved for later.)

Poppy Seeds: This seed is used to numb pain and help a cat sleep. Giving a cat more than two seeds may negitivly affect their health, so be careful.

Ragwort Leaves: This is another herb used to treat aching joints.

Raspberry Leaves: This herb is used to ease pain during a queen's kitting.

Snake Root: This herb is used to counter the effects of poison.

Tansy: This herb is used to treat coughs. It can also be used to heal wounds.

Thyme: Yet another herb used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Tormentil: This herb is good for treating wounds and countering the effects of weak poisons.

Traveling Herbs: These herbs are eaten by cats before making long journies, such as ones to the Moontree. They keep away the pangs of hunger and gove a cat strength.

Watermint: This is another herb used to treat bellyache.

Yarrow: This herb is used to make a cat vomit. This action expels poisons from the body.

Non-Herbal Medicine:

Cobwebs: Cobwebs are used to stop bleeding.

Honey: Honey is used to treat sore throats.

Mouse Bile: Mouse bile is used to make ticks release their grip on a cat.

Wild Garlic: Rolling in this herb can help to keep infection out of wounds. It is also good for rat bites.

Other Non-Herbal Treatments:

1. Gently nipping a cat's spine or pokeing it hard with a claw tests to see if the backbone is broken. If the subject does not feel the nip or poke, then the sprine is broken. Many times a medicene cat will have to poke/nip the subject multiple times in different places to find the break.

2. Licking a cat's fur can help clean wounds, comfort/calm down a shocked or grieving cat, and warm a cat who has become very cold. (Lick the cat's fur the wrong way to do this. The last method is most often used on kits.)

3. Soaking moss in water and holding the dripping moss before a sick, injured or weak cat makes it easier for them to drink. Soaked moss can also be used to cool feverish cats.

4. Rosemary or mint can be used to lighten the death-scent of a dead cat before burial.

5. Using nectar, honey or mouse blood can make herbs sweeter and more appealing to cats--therefore making it easier to take the medicene.

6. Holding a swelling wound in cold water takes down swelling. Cats can also soothe scraped pads by soaking them in water.

7. A cat with weak or hurting muscles/bone can take part in water therapy. Have them wade in water that is not too deep or shallow, and eventually they'll get stronger.

8. Having a sick cat wail or yowl keeps their lungs and chest clear of mucus.

Taking Care of Your Herbs:

Here is how a medicene cat should keep their herbs fresh and useable.

--If any herbs are wet, leave them out in the sun until they dry.

--Gather fresh herbs when your stock gets low.

--Leave enough of the herb on the plant you use for gathering it so it can reproduce

--Check your store often and throw out old herbs or herbs that have lost their healing qualities.

Other Herbs To Keep in the Medicene Den:

Note: ONLY use these herbs for self-defense against a cat who is a danger to all the Clans, or if a cat from your own Clan asks for a quick, painless path to StarClan while on his or her deathbed.

Holly Berries: A poisonous berry. Cats die almost instantly if they are consumed. If consumtion if not intentional, use yarrow to get the berries out of the cat's stomach.

Deathberries (Yew berries): A posionous berry. Cats die almost insyantly if they are consumed. If consumtion is not intentional, use yarrow to get the berries out of the cat's stomach.

The berries listed above can also be used as traps for dangerous predators. (Snakes, moutian lions, foxes, badgers, ect.) Stuff a piece of fresh-kill with these berries and set it near the pedator's den. They will die quickly and painlessly.

DawnClan:The Clan that is filled with kind, loyal cats who will risk there lives in battle for anything to protect the Warrior Code.They live in the light forest, right near StreamClan border, they hunt Mice, Voles, Rabbits and such.
Medicine Cat:Foxleap
Medicine Cat Apprentice:Snowpaw(Cluckcluck1215)

StreamClan:Alliced with DawnClan and StarClan.These cats are loyal and kind, They follow strict warrior code, they live by the river and hunt mostly water creatures.
Medicine Cat:Cloudfur
Medicine Cat Apprentice:Open

MossClan:Alliced with IceClan and The Dark Forest.These cats are cruel, dark and evil.They never follow the code, and Fawnstar is training kits to be warriors as young as 3 moons old.They live in the dense pin needles.
Deputy:Reserved for VaChick15
Medicine Cat Apprentice:THEY DONT HAVE ONE

IceClan:Allienced with MossClan and The Dark Forest.Cruel, mean and evil.Pretty much the same as MossClan, but they live near the Mountains nea the dense pines of MossClan.They hunt whatever they can find.
Leader:Reserved for VaChick15
Medicine Cat Apprentice:They have one, but she or he is poorly trained.

StarClan:If you are in DawnClan or StreamClan, this is were you go when you die.

The Dark Forest:If you are in MossClan or IceClan, this is were you go when you die.

Form To Join


**********NOTECE:VaChick and I have come up with this.DO NOT COPY THIS PLEASE.VaChick is also a moderator on this thread and she can accept and deny characters as well as I can.**********
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Age:23 moons
Description:pure light gray she cat with small hind white paws and green eyes
Personality:Kind, Stern, follows the Warrior Code Stricly.
Parents:Moonfang and Clover

Age:19 moons
Description:Sandy ginger Shecat
Personality:Kind, funny, stern at times
Parents:Willowfur and Stonefang

Personality:Kind, sweet
Kits:They will be:Wingkit, Snowkit, Darkkit, and Firekit.She is currently fostering Squrrielkit.

Age:3 moons
Description:Dark solid Ginger Shekit
Personality:Kind, funny.Squrrielkit is very troubled by her past and the dreams and haunts that surround her.
History:When Squrrielkit was 1 moon old, her mother, Swiftfur was murdered by Fawnstar.She is extremly depressed and she gets extremly agitated and angry if someone s mentions her, she is extremly sensitive.She wants to become the greatest warrior ever born.
Parents:Swiftfur(Mother)and Unknown

Description:Dark brown Shecat/Light gray Shecat/Braken colored Tom/Dusky brown Shecat
Personality:Depends/Depends/Loyal, brave/Depends
Clan:All Dawn
Rank:All Warriors
History:Sister to Dovedawn and Mousefur/Sister to Hawkfur and Mousefur/None/Sister to Dovedawn and Hawkfur
Parents:Unknown/Unknown/Willowpelt and unknown/Unknown
Kits:None/She is going to move to the nursery soon and they will be:Dovekit, Spottedkit and Swankit/Dovekit, Spottedkit, and Swankit/None

Age:8 moons
Description:pure white Shecat
Personality:Kind, funny, brave
Rank:Med. Cat apprentice
History:Snowpaw is bound by her past as she is halfClan
Parents:Oakheart and Willowtuft

Age:36 moons
Description:Light tabby Shecat
Personality:Evil, cold

Age:23 moobs/25 moons/23
Description:Dark brown tabby with white paws and frost blue eyes(remind you of Hawkfrost, hmm?)/White Tom with sun colored tabby stripes/Blaçk Shecat
Personality:Evil, cold and ruthless
Clan:The Dark Forest
History:Her sister is Scourge

Age:23 moons
Description:White Shecat
Personality:Kind, sweet
Rank:Medicine Cat

Age:23 moons
Description:black tabby Tom
Personality:Kind, loyal
History:Brother to Cloudfur

Age:25 moons/8 moons
Description:Wite Shecat with frosty blue eyes
Personality:Evil. Cold
Kits:she has one Icepaw/None
LOL Talk about unexpected!!!!!!!!! Who knew you and VA would chug out ANOTHER RP?!?!?! *Sighs* The magic of PMs!!!!! LOL I'll join later- though I don't exactly get the plot right now, I think, because I'm tired....
Name: BreezeStar
Age: 21 moons
Gender: She-cat
Description: Pretty, sleek dappled gray silver and white with deep turquoise eyes and white above her eyes
Personality: troubled, but kind, loving and sweet
Clan: StreamClan
Rank: Leader
History: Born and raised in StreamClan, she is somewhat struggling with the weight of leading is is somewhat troubled, although has a beautiful soul
Parents: GorseTail and BluePool
Kits: none
Mate: has a struggling relationship with her deputy FireStorm
Username: @Feather Hearts
lol, listening to this random song the whole time

Name: FireStorm
Age: 22 moons

Gender: Tom
Description: Ginger tabby tom with white paws and green eyes
Personality: kind and loving, but kinda like daisy and SpiderLeg from the warriors series, struggles with his mate
Clan: StreamClan
Rank: Deputy
History: found as a runaway kit, leaving the terror of MossClan he was taken in by compassionate StreamClan cats, although sometimes he regrets leaving his family behind
Parents: HollyFur and ThistlePelt
Kits: none
Mate: BreezeStar
Username: @Feather Hearts

Name: FoxLeap
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Tom
Description: Ginger tom with white muzzle, chest, belly and tail tip, black paws and a really fluffy tail
Personality: Kind, caring and a good mentor
Clan: DawnClan
Rank: Medicine cat
History: normal history
Parents: Both dead
Kits: none
Mate: none
Username: @Feather Hearts
LOL Talk about unexpected!!!!!!!!! Who knew you and VA would chug out ANOTHER RP?!?!?! *Sighs* The magic of PMs!!!!! LOL I'll join later- though I don't exactly get the plot right now, I think, because I'm tired....

BTW I had helped her Unsub from EMail messages.
Age:12 moons
Description:pretty light gray she-cat with black stripes on legs and tail, striking green eyes. Long legs and tail.
Personality: Quiet, reserved, intelligent, shy, kind, compassionate, and loyal. Works hard every day to become the best medicine cat she can be. Never complains about ANYTHING and is always looking on the bright side. The fastest cat in all of the Clans.
Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice
History:Has wanted to be a medicine cat since a kit. If you wanted to find the shy kit, you'd have always looked in Cloudfur's den first. Her father, Darkclaw, was killed by MossClan a few moons ago and her mother, Fernspot, is devastated still. Loves to and communes well with StarClan- Cloudfur has pointed out that Ashpaw has more prophectic dreams than her. But she has been having dark and terrifying dreams recently....
Parents:Darkclaw (killed) and Fernspot
Mate:NONE (since Hawkfur is kinda my Hawkclaw XD can he have a secret crush on her?)
Username: HeavensHens88

Name: Fernspot
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Description: Strong, very light gray she-cat, almost looks lilac. Brilliant ice-blue eyes and has one black patch on her neck.
Personality: Kind, brave, caring, independent, intelligent, loyal, great hunter and fighter. Hates the evil Clans with such a revengeful passion- that it has gone to the point of scaring her Clanmates. Would die for her Clan hundreds of times and not look back.
Clan: StreamClan
Rank: Warrior
History: Has wanted to be the greatest warrior ever since she was a kit. Lost her adored mate to MossClan and is bent on revenge no matter what.(Would be a great choice for next deputy!)
Parents: Dead
Kits: Ashpaw
Mate: Darkclaw (killed) but she's open for another one.
Username: HeavensHens88

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