Depluming mites? Pictures


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2015
My rooster seems to be pecking his feathers off more and more in the past couple of weeks. I dusted him a couple of times with Sevin, but it doesn't appear to have helped. Is this what depluming mites looks like? Or is this just from the heat or boredom or something simpler?




First pic is new feathers growing in.....the feather sheath is the gray around the outside, they will preen that off as the feather grows out.
That red skin.... I don't know what causes that, have seen it come and go (sometimes just lasts a day or two) in my birds.
Depluming mites live inside the feather shaft and so are invisible to the human eye....I've also read that they are fairly uncommon here in the US.

Thanks for the response. Yeah I know those are new feathers growing in; it's because he ripped them all out. He is literally pulling the feathers out & there is blood sprayed on the coop walls. No other chickens look like this. I didn't want to medicate him if he doesn't need it.
My rooster seems to be pecking his feathers off more and more in the past couple of weeks. I dusted him a couple of times with Sevin, but it doesn't appear to have helped. Is this what depluming mites looks like? Or is this just from the heat or boredom or something simpler?

First pic is new feathers growing in.....the feather sheath is the gray around the outside, they will preen that off as the feather grows out.
That red skin.... I don't know what causes that, have seen it come and go (sometimes just lasts a day or two) in my birds.
Depluming mites live inside the feather shaft and so are invisible to the human eye....I've also read that they are fairly uncommon here in the US.

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