Detatched air-cells more difficult to candle, see movement(?)....


10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
I have 19 of 30 eggs left in the bator(11 clears disposed of). 15 have obvious movement at day 10, but 4 are still unclear due, I think, to their detatched air cells making it difficult to turn and see embryos at different angles. Does anyone else have this problem. I am leaving them in and am sure in time it will become clear if they are alive, just curious as to others input on this. Thanks!
Hiya, what day are you on? I have 3 eggs in the incubator all with damaged air-cells by day 8 I could see clearly which were developing and which weren't. But it did appear harder to see the chicks than in other hatches I've had without damaged aircells, I can normally see which are developing by around 3-5 days.
I have 21 eggs in the 'bator, every one with some degree of air cell damage, elongated in some, ruptured in others. Some were also cracked, I patched them with candle wax. I also have some undamaged eggs from my own hens with them, (4) so if only 1 or 2 hatch, they'll have company.

I set mine on Saturday, I wasn't going to candle until day 10. However, I've held off on turning them because of the air cell damage, I have them in an upright position in the 'bator, I'm feeling that they should be turned, or rather tilted, even if just a little, as soon as I can do so without messing them up. So I decided I'll candle on day 7. I really want to see how many are doing anything, too. There are a couple that I suspect are scrambled.
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I candled 10 of the shipped eggs, including a couple with the wax patching. Of the 10, 7 show good embryos! I didn't want to disturb them too much at this stage, I just had o have a peek at a few. I'll do my normal day 10 candle in a few days, and check them all at that time. I'm so excited that so far, I have some growing!

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