Determining Sex?


11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
Conway, South Carolina
Hey all, I'm fairly new to this, but I am trying to figure out how to sex my mutt chicks that I hatched about 2 weeks ago. I have watched them and several appear to be sparring with others, but I cannot see anything physical that points to Roos/pullets. Any set way to do it? Roo is Welsummer hens are either sexlink, or BO/RIR cross.
best time to start sexing is around 4-5 months. some you can tell sooner.. But hens will have a smaller comb and usually pink until she is about to lay. round saddle/hackle/tail feathers (Though they can be pointy at times) and smaller legs then roosters. Roosters will of course have big combs and wattles, pointy saddle and hackle feathers (along with sickle feathers.. "thats tail feathers") unless their hen-feathered. and are usually more colorful... you can also look at the spurs.. roosters will get spurs sooner then hens
I guess that I'll have to wait then. I didn't know if there was a way to do it as chicks. When they get older it will be pretty evident in most cases, I would assume, which is which without having to wait for the waddles, etc.
you can sort of sex them from birth by the leg size.. but its not a gaurantee and its hard to tell the difference in some breeds/individuals unless you know what to look for
I hesitate to bring this up but the other day someone posted about a video on utube. It was from a show called something like How was it made. In that video they were sexing the chicks by the wing feathers. Some were straight across and some had a row of feathers that were shorter and one that were longer. I can't remember which were which but does anyone know which chickens you can sex like that? I'd go watch that video again if I could sex my chicks like that.
I found this site and it was very informative. I am scared to try but, if I got desperate enough i might give it a whirl. Besides I have no idea what I am looking at.

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