

7 Years
Feb 25, 2012
I have a chicken that appears to have diarrhea. Its backend is somewhat soild. The chicken doesn't show any signs of sickness or feeling ill. It doesn't show anything the books talk about. Otherwise very healthy looking and very active. Not sure what is going on or how to take care of it. Suggestions?
Worms/lice/mites/eaten something... It could be many things but if she is well, bright eyed, and eating and drinking then I wouldn't worry too much. If it isn't some radically weird colour then she is probably just fine. Maybe it was something she ate or sometimes a few of my hens just sort of happen to get a watery poo.
If too much gets built up on the feathers make sure to remove it. Otherwise in warm weather flies get in there, lay eggs, and then you have maggots. I have a hen who does this once in a while, I just clip off the feathers.

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