Did you see McMurray Hatchery is giving away FREE CHICKS?!?!


5 Years
Mar 26, 2018
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I'm so excited but wanted to share. McMurray Hatchery just announced they are giving away a box of 15 FEMALE baby chicks! Includes their new Bielefelder, Black Copper Marans, and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. I tried to buy the BLRWs last year but they sold out. Here is where you enter: https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/freechicks
You can order from McMurray for 2019 already, I was too late last year for the Silver and Red Leghorns. Got my order in already. They changed up their website and forgot to put the Silver Leghorn in with the Leghorns (previously it was in the rare bird category) but I did a search and found they still had them. If you can not find a breed try search they might still have it.

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