Dieing pullet~respritory illness?

chicks are life

Feb 11, 2016
North carolina
My 10 week old easter egger pullet is gasping for breath ocasinally sneezing and shaking head.no swolleness,discharge nothing is stuck in her throat.no other birds have her same virus.has been going for an hour or so.crop is empty

Fed water mixed with sugar and Apple cider vinager( both a small dash)
Placed on and off a beanbag.

Not gapeworm because I seabed and no bloody strings were there.

I put de down today could that have done it.

I got her a few days ago she is isolated and closing her eyes

Please help!!!!!
DE is dusty and yes it could have caused her problems.

What does placed on and off a bean bag mean?
Without a veterinary diagnosis, its almost impossible to know what is exactly wrong.

You can add vitamin supplements to drinking water and administer antibiotics (if its a virus, it will not deal with that, but can help ward of secondary infections).

If it's at all possible, taking her to a vet is the best way forward. At least then you will know what you are dealing with.
She died at 1:25 in my arms.
Sorry for your loss. A necropsy may be a good idea, if its possible. If it was a viral respiratory infection, it has implications for the rest of your flock. If it's not possible, you may want to keep a closed flock, i.e. do not sell live birds or fertile eggs as a precaution.
Sorry for your loss.
Keep a close eye on the rest of your flock.
Throw the DE away...it's not good for anything, IMO.

You mentioned you just got her a few days ago????
Next time you bring a new bird home keep it away from your chickens for a few weeks....to make sure it isn't sick before you integrated them.
Watch her sisters then for signs of illness.
DE doesn't do a thing for chickens.

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