Ding, Dong, the Rat is Dead! (pic included)


7 Years
Dec 15, 2014
Traps have proved fruitless and with three dogs I'm not willing to risk poison so I laid in wait at the window tonight and it paid off.
Ok, I really want to hear exactly how you ended that thing. Thwarting evil is never without an epic tale!
I sat at my living room window at dusk with a plate of cheese and meats, a glass of wine, and my son's pellet gun. When the bold SOB showed itself I took aim and fired then I finished my wine, went outside and took that picture. Not really epic but very satisfying!
Oh, I know there's more. I had seen at least two and I fully realize that "where there's two, there's twenty (and so on)". I'll still set the traps (which they will continue to avoid), and lie in wait for a while more before (probably eventually) exploring poison. Perhaps I'll plan to put it out the week we go on vacation and the dogs are away at the boarding kennel.

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