Dirt or concrete for chicken run?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
We are about to build our first coop and run. 5' X 14'
The location in the yard is right were we have placed a stone porch. Considering cleaning and rodent avoidance, is it recommended to keep the stones there and cover it with dirt 3-6 inches or to just take the stones and put the coop/run on the dirt?

If you can swing it, several inches of sand over regular dirt is a good choice. Keep in mind that whatever your run is made of, you'll be raking it. Raking landscaping flat stones is tough.
Dirt is the way to go. The chickens love it!
Depends on where you live. I have done dirt, wood, straw, and river rock before, but I am still working on a perfect floor for the run. Dirt feels more natural to me. But all fall, winter, and spring my white chickens are spotted or grey. Darn rain...I cant keep it out. Even in a covered run! I just bought (today) 1 ton of sand for $9.00. I am hoping that does it!

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