Dirt run cleaning

Ya I just spray mine with water to keep the dust down and kake it up and haul it to the compost pile same as inside coop.......
i would like to know that too! i never really knew you had to clean a run before seeing as mine is compacted dirt, i did hear someone say that you should spray it with vinegar to help with the smell. i would like to hear what everyone else says though.
I like to dump the grass clippings from mowing into their run. They have loads of fun and do a great job of breaking it down and mixing their poo into it. I clean it out in the fall and rake what ever is left moving it to the compost pile. BTW we do not use any chemicals on our lawn to keep our grass safe for the ladies. If/when we do use some (got to get rid of the moss that is taking over the lawn) we will dump that in our ditch that the chickies do not have access to and also away from our compost pile.
If your run is nice and compacted and it's a nice dry day it should be very easy to rake the poo and compost it.
Ohhhh okay, thanks for the answers!

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