Dirty butts and dirty eggs


Apr 4, 2020

I have two leghorns that no matter what I seem to do, have dirty butts. One is worse than the other, and the eggs they lay get dirty as well. The other three hens are totally fine. Any natural remedy or food I can give to prevent dirty butts? They arent sick; just a bit dirty. Thanks!

I have two leghorns that no matter what I seem to do, have dirty butts. One is worse than the other, and the eggs they lay get dirty as well. The other three hens are totally fine. Any natural remedy or food I can give to prevent dirty butts? They arent sick; just a bit dirty. Thanks!
How dirty...pics?
Is it because they have loose poops?
Trimming feathers is the way to go.

Wonders are the eggs dirty because of dirty butt feathers or because they are tracking poop into nests on their feet....or some birds poop when they lay.
My Leghorn always has a dirty butt too!! Her eggs usually aren’t dirty though and she’s otherwise very clean and lays very well! And she does dust bathe! Just can’t seem to keep her butt clean 😂🤣 she also evidently rolls in the mud too because she’s always filthy when it rains like on her back and everywhere 😂🤷‍♀️ She’s a critter LOL 🤮
My hazel is angelic and soft.. for the whole once a month she's clean. Idk what she's doing tbh.

Also @goodwiab I'm sorry for talking so much in your post but I really do recommend a butt trim. It's pretty easy

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