Dirty old coop needs cleaning up - A LOT!


In the Brooder
May 29, 2017
Benedict Road, Winston, Oregon
We just recently bought a home on a piece of property, which actually already has a chicken coop on it. It has three sections, inside, outside, and what used to be used as a pig pen. All sections are connected and there's openings leading to each one. I'll post photos later after I take pics in the day light. I would really appreciate any advice, tips, and recommendations you all have to give. I want to have everything ready before I purchase any chickens of course, and that's another learning process right there!......So here are a few photos of what we're working with. We need to obviously put back up some good impenetrable chicken wire, (so critters won't get in), and clean out the old shavings and dirt and poop. I want that in the first photo to be their run? for scratching. The section with the dividers (I just removed from the bedding area), is that where they would lay eggs, or the next area over with the open-floor cages? And should they have a ramp up to them as well? I understand the photos may be hard to make out, but any advice from what you can see would be appreciated!
IMG_20170529_1706217_rewind.jpg IMG_20170529_1706407_rewind.jpg
I wouldn't use chicken wire, it breaks down in a few years and isn't predator safe. Find something stronger like hardware cloth, or any of the various rabbit wire. I see you already have a few rabbit cages which should be removed. Someone was keeping rabbits in the shed last.
You can keep a cage separately in case you need to break a broody. Complete cleaning and hosing out. There is a product called Oxine (look on Amazon?) that is safe, or other folks use a diluted bleach spray. I just don't like bleach.

It would be incredibly helpful if you knew the history of this coop, such as when was it last used and for what. Why was it not used for chickens, etc but rabbits instead. @oldhenlikesdogs, I would never have known that!:highfive:

And yes hardware cloth all around to replace chicken wire which only keeps chicken in, and nothing out. See my signature for electric fencing idea.

You are fortunate to have a chicken coop on the property. Also consider after cleaning, whitewash (the old-fashioned way) the interior. With cleanout just put everything in a separate composting area, I think. But scrub her down. Some work there yes but a lot less than building a coop. I will look up my whitewash thread for you.
what I would do.
take everything out that isn't fastened down.
clean the floors and start a great compost pile.
come up with your own layout.
ask for ideas when you are ready for that.
are you buying chicks ? or full grown layers ?
If you are going to have laying nests,
hang them from a wall.
chicken wire will hold up for a long time. get the one inch holes.
true, hardware cloth holds up longer, but it costs more ..
chickens lay their eggs where they darned well feel like it. they prefer to hide their eggs, so if you build nests, try not to have the front facing directly toward a window. or, hang a cloth over the front so it is darker inside.

patch up any holes , especially along the walls at ground level.

put wire over the window openings, not so much to keep chickens in, but to keep critters out.
any one inch hole is large enough for a weasel to enter. or a rat.

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