Disqualifying Commercial RIR


11 Years
Apr 21, 2008
North Central Florida
At a local fair recently, I noticed that there were 2 birds, beautiful RIR's. I brought this up on the New England link, but there are a few of us that would like to know.

The Roo and Hen were disqualified because they were "Commercial Birds". To me they looked handsome, rich color, nice feathers, of course I know nothing about showing and would like someone to educate me and a couple others.

Thanks in advance!

I realize that, but what does it mean for the reason of the DQ being "commercial" birds?

I have never seen a RIR so rich mahogany in color. I had to do a double take on what breed they were. Their legs, feathers etc looked nice, better then anything in my back yard (which doesn't take much)
That was probably just an informative message to the owner of the birds. They did not meet the breed standard as writen in the Standard of Perfection.

Color is a big part of breed standards and if not met, most birds are DQ'd. There are definitions for the color of the feet and shanks, color of feathers, eyes, tail set, weight, etc.
I would guess that the body type was wrong, that they looked too much like a dark commercial layer and didn't have the broadness called for in the Standard of Perfection.
Thank you very much. That was the answer I was looking for! See, I have no idea what the difference is in commercial/back yard bird. I thought a chicken was a chicken!

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