Dissuading egg laying in corners


12 Years
Jun 29, 2012
Hi. I haven't been here for a couple of years. Recently my hens have started laying in a corner of the coop. They have nice nest boxes and know how to use them. That is not the issue.

I was hoping someone might have an idea of what to put in that corner to make them decide not to lay there. A spiky board comes to mind ;) but of course I don't to cause any harm. Any ideas?

Please understand my question. THEY KNOW WHAT THE NEST BOXES ARE FOR. THEY HAVE USED THEM IN THE PAST. ALL CLEAN AND WONDERFUL. I want to make that corner unattractive.

Any ideas as to what I might put in that favorite corner? Thanks.
A 5 gal bucket, a big cardboard box, a section of fencing.

I'd want to know why the change, new birds in the flock, bugs in the nests, change in bedding?
HA!!!! Why the change? Well, maybe it's the huge black snake that popped out of the nest boxes when I opened the hatch! Boy was I surprised when I stuck my head in there (the sun is such that I have to duck in to avoid the blinding glare) and was nose to nose with this guy. So I am hoping that is the issue. I will try the bucket, making it unattractive of course. That corner is too far to reach easily. I have to carefully drag the eggs out with a rake. Thanks.

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