Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

So if I where to get one how high a chance is there it would be very yippy? If it got correct training and entertainment.
If the dog yips and you pick it up and pet it to "calm it down," comfort it or make it be quiet, you will be training it to yip. All that attention is nothing but positive reinforcement, or praise, for yipping. Most yippers or barkers, are made, not born. It's a learned behavior.

Edited. Sorry for typos. Having problems with my hands.
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Also I think you guys would like a game/website. It’s called furrypaws and it shows you the genetics of them. You can also breed them and it is “very realistic”. The dogs can actually have normal sized litters and the colors look similar to the parents. You just have to use your real email because it sends a confirmation email.
Naw, is much more realistic than furry paws :)
I'll look at it thanks for the suggestion. :thumbsup
I used to be obsessed with Furry Paws hahah haven’t been on in forever though so I’m sure all my dogs died 😂🤣🙈 I’ll have to check out this other one!!!

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