Do 10 week-old chicks moult?

Carrie Lynn

Aug 30, 2010
S.E. Michigan
I notice small feathers in the bedding of my 10 week-old chicks.
I'm wondering if this a light moult or is the bossy bantam leghorn going after them?
I've seen her do this as she has been establishing the pecking order.
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My chicks are 10 weeks and I've been finding handfuls of feathers in the coop the last week or so. I posted this on another forum and lots of people said the chicks go through a few stages where they swap out adult plumage.
I don't know about your chicken situation but I also have 11 week old chicks and I don't have them with any other chickens and they always have small feathers under the roost. I'm sure that it isn't a pecking situation since the feathers are of all different colors and they are all of the same age. I've not noticed any "pecking" going on. I just decided that they are pulling them out when they preen themselves. They are all fully feathered and don't seem to be missing any feathers.
That would be my guess too. Unless you're seeing a lot of aggresion or actual bare spots I think they're just "swapping feathers."
That would be my guess too. Unless you're seeing a lot of aggresion or actual bare spots I think they're just "swapping feathers."


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