Do Ameracaunas all lay blue/blue green eggs?


10 Years
Apr 2, 2009
Locust Grove, VA
I have a splash Ameracauna pullet/hen that I got as a 5-6 week old last May. I have gotten eggs from two other pullets (different breeds) that I purchased at the same time but I have not gotten any blue or even remotely bluish or greenish eggs yet. Do they all lay colored eggs? If so, any ideas as to why this one would not be laying yet?
Bootsie, sorry - But you don't have Ameraucanas. You have hatchery-created mutts that lay whatever color their genes tell them to. Hatcheries don't sell Araucanas or Ameraucanas as they falsely advertise - They sell mutts called Easter Eggers.

As for the question, if it is a real Ameraucana - Some don't really lay that good of color. I've seen khaki eggs, off-white eggs, truly blue eggs, and my own are more of a green hint, which isn't desired but I still love them! Hmm, about the age and not laying, not sure what to say. Some people do have problems - I know I once had some birds who didn't lay until they were 10 months old.
TRUE Amerauacanas all lay blue eggs, some will have a greenish tint to them. If you got your "Ameraucanas" from a hatchery, feed store, or from someone else who got hatchery birds, you got Easter Eggers, and they can lay any color egg. All hatcheries sell Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas or Araucanas.

haa haa, Illia, we were posting at the same time!
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Bootsie, sorry - But you don't have Ameraucanas. You have hatchery-created mutts that lay whatever color their genes tell them to. Hatcheries don't sell Araucanas or Ameraucanas as they falsely advertise - They sell mutts called Easter Eggers.

As for the question, if it is a real Ameraucana - Some don't really lay that good of color. I've seen khaki eggs, off-white eggs, truly blue eggs, and my own are more of a green hint, which isn't desired but I still love them! Hmm, about the age and not laying, not sure what to say. Some people do have problems - I know I once had some birds who didn't lay until they were 10 months old.

This is the pullet in question a bit after I got her. She was advertised as an Splash Ameraucana out of show quality parents - not hatchery stock. Since I have the chickens for enjoyment and eggs and don't show, can you tell me if she is an Ameraucana that should be laying colored eggs?! Thanks!


What color are her legs? True Ameraucanas will have slate colored shanks (or sometimes black in the black varieties). EE's will usually have green or greenish yellow legs.
She's very pretty, I would expect colored eggs from her, she has the muffs, not much beard, but I'm guessing it's fluffed up a bit since then? Also, what is her leg color? If she has any yellow/greenish coloring, even on the bottoms of her feet, she is an EE. If her legs are slate, I'd say true Ameraucana, based on her coloring, comb, and beak color. Congrats - she's a beaut!!!

eta: what is with me posting at exactly the same time as others, saying the same thing?!? haa haahaa!!
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How cute!! Her little cheek whiskers almost make me think Araucana .. All you can do is wait and see what she lays .. or for him to start crowing .. LOL .. Some help I am, huh? Very cute, though!
Yeah, looks like a Splash Ameraucana to me. You just gotta wait for her eggs.
You can see the legs in the first photo - They're just right.

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