do boys grow faster than girls

Had a friend figure she had them sexed and guess what? They're all girls.

Just as they have a pecking order, the bossier chicks gets to eat more and that may explain the growth difference.

My experience tells me roos will get a redder comb sooner. Pullets don't usually redden up until just before they are going to lay.

BTW, pic are always helpful and appreciated.

I had 2 Favoralle that looked just like the Pullets, no red or even pink comb, no pointy neck feathers.. or anything else to indicate ROOSTER, untill we woke up tp 2 roosters crowing @ the sametime... I guess they only know what they are.
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My experience is that while pullets feather up faster, roos weigh more. When I have chicks I weigh them every week to see how they're progressing. If they're all the same breed, I expect the roos to weigh about 25% more. The heavy ones aren't always the biggest looking ones either...

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