Do chickens get "stickers" or thorns in their feet?

Hi. We also have mesquite here. The chickens can get thorns and stickers but in my experience the thorns on mesquites aren't an issue really.
Hi. We also have mesquite here. The chickens can get thorns and stickers but in my experience the thorns on mesquites aren't an issue really.
Mesquite thorns and rose bush thorns cause havok for me, swell infect and I was wondering about the chickens. I feel better now, but still gonna watch their feet.
Mesquite thorns and rose bush thorns cause havok for me, swell infect and I was wondering about the chickens. I feel better now, but still gonna watch their feet.
Definitely do. Little cuts and stuff can get infected. The thorns on roses are a different story!

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