Do chickens "normally" stay inside so much?


6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
Hardinsburg, Ky
Hey. We just put our first chicks in their new outdoor home 3 days ago. The weather is beautiful during the day, but still a bit chilly at night. So we have a heat lamp on during the night. I open their door early every morning, but it seems like every time I look to check on them, they are inside. I was under the impression they would spend most of the day roaming around their run pecking??
I have two pullets that are also 7 weeks old, a Red Sex Link and a Wheaten Ameraucana. They go outside as soon as I open their door in the morning and don't go inside again unless it rains hard or I *put* them inside. They've been out there for about a week and nothing has changed. I use a light at night because it gets down into the 30s and 40s at night. The light keeps their coop about 9 degrees warmer.

Have you put their food and water outside? If not I'd do that.
Yeah, move the food and water out! It encourages the young chickens to get out there and explore, and believe me, once they figure THAT out, you won't see them hanging out in the coop. Also, the coop stays that much cleaner without the food and water in it.

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