Do chickens sunbathe?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 28, 2012
I just started raising chickens and would like to make sure my buff Orpington was acting normally...she layed down in the sun and stretched out?...I checked her immediately and she was chickens like to sunbathe? This is only the second time they've been outside...all three are 7 weeks was a bit startling...
Yes they do. It's fine! When my chicks did it the first time, it scared me to death! I thought they were dead.
Our Buff Orpingtons and Black Australorps sunbathe! They lie on their sides with their legs out and their wings splayed all over the place. Actually, they look dead when they do it. Usually, if one stretches out, another chicken will come over and step on the one lying down. It's like they can't stand for anyone else to rest. They're 9 weeks old.
Yes exactly! I thought she was dying!...thanks for letting me know otherwise...
My chickens did this today, too. It was nice and sunny out today, and I found them all laying cuddled up in a sunbeam. They stood up and went back to foraging around when I checked on them.
Mine likes sunbathing and dust baths, i built them a little box full of play sand and they love rolling in that too.
I saw my chickens today just laying down for no apparent reason, then saw that they were in a patch of sunlight. Everyone was helping to groom each other, and they were all just resting. So sweet!

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