Do Easter Eggers always lay blue/green eggs?

Susan Dye

Free Ranging
7 Years
Jul 25, 2017
Staunton, Va
I have 3 soon to be 19 wk old EE's. One's comb has turned red and she squatted for my brother, but so far no green or blue eggs. However, someone is laying larger than average pale cream colored eggs that certainly resemble eggs from a new layer. I also have 6 other hens who are 2 to 3 yrs old. I'm used to what their eggs look like, and these x large ones are different. If I could get 7 eggs, I'd know for sure that at least one of the EE's was laying. LOL So, do EE's sometimes start off laying cream colored eggs instead of blue or green? If they do, does that mean they will never lay blue or green eggs?
Yes, occasionally you’ll get one that lays a color other than blue or green. Of my 9 EE’s, one lays a very pale pink and the rest are various shades of blue & green. In my experience, the only time the color changes is as the season progresses, the eggs get lighter. A pink layer will not start laying blue or green and vice versa.
I got a bunch of Americaunas and they lay a variety of blue to green eggs- but unlike what some others have said I have never had any bird lay one color egg and then lay another color (at least not after their first few lays). They lay one color and always lay that color unless something environmentally changes.

In a completely unscientific side note, I have found that the color of their legs seems to align with the color of their eggs. Some have more blueish legs and other more greenish legs and they typically lay the color hue of their legs. :)

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