Do girls lay eggs.......

Nope...but my wellie will lay around the same times. she will lay in the am one day next day in the pm and then take a day off. This goes over and over
HOpe this helps.
hrrumph! I thought today would be a 3 egg day, it turned into a 1 egg day! I know that two of my RIR have been laying - today I saw #3 (aka, little red) in the nestbox and scooped up the egg shortly after being laid. Showed my DD the egg and said "hot out of the chicken" when she commented on the warmth of the egg.
But then, neither of the other RIR laid an egg! Dang! Wish the Delightful Dozen would mark the calendar for me! LOL
It takes a chicken about 26 hours to produce an egg.

So they are likely, when in full lay, to lay for three days, then take a day off.

As they age, they take more days off

Don't we all?
Mine tend to lay right around the same time every day, in the morning, skipping a day on occasion. My EE's are reliable. My silkies tend to skip more days, or go broody and stop laying altogether. But i rarely get an egg laid after 2pm.
Thanks guys, I have 6 girls. So far only one EE has laid for the first time. Yeah! I have two eggs so far I think I may get a Third cuz she is pacing and keeps going to the nesting box, and then runs out of the coop.
They get a little fussy when they first start laying. Well, and then some never get over being fussy. My silkies drive me crazy every morning until they all manage to get into their favorite nest box to lay.

Good luck on your third egg! Those first eggs are so special, and lot's of times you get double yolks.
I have heard its every 24 hours. Ours always laid in the later morning/early afternoon with the occasional "day off".
Thanks guys, I have 6 girls. So far only one EE has laid for the first time. Yeah! I have two eggs so far I think I may get a Third cuz she is pacing and keeps going to the nesting box, and then runs out of the coop.

My Welsummer has to go through her BAAAWWWWKKKK ing crazyness (VERY loud) for about 5 min before she jumps in the nest box. Once she is in there she is very quiet....about 15-20 min later we have a warm egg. Every time same thing (but not same time)...same nest box. Even if she is out free ranging she will run right in to the hen house to lay

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