do hens need roosters to produce eggs


9 Years
Mar 2, 2010
I want to have some RIR hens in my back yard for eggs and i have neighbors that might object to a big red alarm clock going off early in the morning-the rooster. will the hens lay with or without the rooster? Also years ago i raised 26 RIR 13 were hens 13 were roosters and two weeks before the hens d doubled started laying i had too give them away because we were moving. When they did start laying the all laid double yoke eggs. is this normal?
Welcome to this forum. Glad you are here.

Hens will lay with or without a rooster.

Laying an occasional double yolk eggs is not at all unusual, especially when pullets just start to lay. I personally do not consider it a good trait but there is no harm in an occasional double yolker.
You don't need a rooster to have hens laying eggs. Also, double yolkers are common for newly laying hens. Really, I don't think anyone in city areas should have or need roosters unless they're breeding their chickens for a purpose. Because otherwise, you'll just have complaining neighbors and a loud chicken to fertilize your hens' eggs for no reason. Also, with one being a RIR - They sometimes are aggressive.
No rooster needed for eggs but I love having my RIR rooster. He is such a joy to watch and to hear. He is the most vocal chicken in the chicken kingdom. Of course, my neighbors have yet to complain about him but they also have a herd of dogs that never shut up! You could always ask your neighbor if they would mind hearing a rooster.

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