Do I have a rooster and what breed are these?


9 Years
Apr 29, 2013
We bought 6 chicks from Tractor Supply, we have had them for 2 weeks but I think they are at least 3 weeks old by now. We are new to chickens. The one thing is that the sign just said that they were pullets, but did not specify on a breed. One of them has the least amount of feathers and was the last to get tail feathers, but "she" seems to have the largest comb. Are these White Leghorns or White Plymouth Rocks and did a rooster get snuck in?

The supposed rooster.

There's one on the left that looks more female.

The feathers are growing well.

The confirmed pullets.

"She" does have the smallest tail feathers.
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I think so too because they are still nervous. I'll have to find another home for the boy, don't want to bother the neigbors nor did we plan to have fertilized eggs. Any more guesses?

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