Do I have a rooster here?


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2018
We have 4 white Leghorn hens, but was told could be a rooster in the mix. I have this comparison picture of the top one might be a rooster, but the only signs are the comb and waddles. No curved tail feathers, or crowing.

The bottom picture is what my other 3 hens all look like. 2018-03-07-18-27-01-622.jpg
Oh ok. Then they are both pullets. The top one is nearer to the point of laying if she hasn't started already. That's whey her comb is larger and redder.

Okay, great. I was so confused why she was looking so different with that, and no other differences at the age they are. Was a little hopeful it was a rooster lol but thank you.
Need pictures of the actual birds in question. At 6 months old, males would be VERY obvious. They'd have very large red combs, long sickle feathers in the tail, and long saddle feathers.

With the pictures I shared, can you tell me what color eggs these hens will lay? I assume white because of the yellow earlobes.

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