Hi all, the bottom of my coop normally stands about 2 ft off the ground and the top of the coop is about 4 1/2 ft off the ground. It is on wheels and about 3 weeks ago I moved it so that the back of it is against a stone wall and about 2 ft off the ground. I have the lid propped open with a small rock for more ventilation and there is about a 2 inch gap. Do I have to worry about weasels or rats? I know there are wood rats in the area, but I don't think we have weasels. We live in what I call rural-suburban. The houses have between 1/2- 2 acre lots and we are in southern RI near salt water- the beach is about 200 ft away. We have foxes, coyotes, possums and raccoons. Do you think we have weasels? Should I take the rock out, will they-rats or weasels- climb two feet up the wooden structure to get in? I have had a lot of predator loss lately- foxes, hawks, I'd hat to lose them to a weasel or rat. Would welcome your thoughts.