This guy crossed a road, flew over the fence into my yard while my girls were dustbathing yesterday afternoon. My girls free range when I am home 4-5 hours a day. I have had chickens for about 5 years now, never had a rooster, never really wanted one. Last fall, the neighboring property acquired about 6 chickens, free ranged them and now only this one rooster is left. Yesterday he discovered my girls, immediately jumped on one of my seniors and well, you know the rest. I looked pretty silly I imagine chasing this rooster around and trying to protect my girls over a 2 acre area. Eventually, I rounded up the girls, locked them in, the rooster following close behind me. The rooster stayed around until nightfall and then showed up again early this morning. He is pacing the pen as I write this, crowing loudly and strutting his stuff. The girls watch him from the safety of their pen. You can see some of them in the picture.
Now, what do I do with this rooster? Should I consider incorporating into my flock? I have 9 two year olds and 3 seniors. Will the hens accept him? Will I? Your advice, counsel, opinions and comments are so welcome. I don't want to let out my girls. Thank you.
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