Do I want this rooster? Update: He killed a hen Update: Sunday


12 Years
Feb 15, 2008

This guy crossed a road, flew over the fence into my yard while my girls were dustbathing yesterday afternoon. My girls free range when I am home 4-5 hours a day. I have had chickens for about 5 years now, never had a rooster, never really wanted one. Last fall, the neighboring property acquired about 6 chickens, free ranged them and now only this one rooster is left. Yesterday he discovered my girls, immediately jumped on one of my seniors and well, you know the rest. I looked pretty silly I imagine chasing this rooster around and trying to protect my girls over a 2 acre area. Eventually, I rounded up the girls, locked them in, the rooster following close behind me. The rooster stayed around until nightfall and then showed up again early this morning. He is pacing the pen as I write this, crowing loudly and strutting his stuff. The girls watch him from the safety of their pen. You can see some of them in the picture.

Now, what do I do with this rooster? Should I consider incorporating into my flock? I have 9 two year olds and 3 seniors. Will the hens accept him? Will I? Your advice, counsel, opinions and comments are so welcome. I don't want to let out my girls. Thank you.

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Well what is his personality like? Will he let you near him? Is he aggressive towards you at all? I would want him quaratined but as he has been around your girls and even mated one already...the fats in the fire already. So....if he is not aggressive, there are benefits to having a roo around for sure. But you do not need him showing the girls how to jump the fence either.

If you like him, they like him and he is not aggressive...keep him. Let him hang out with the girls and see if he goes in to roost with them...
Well, when he first encountered them, they were frightened and looked quite confused. My girls come to me when called, so they followed me back to the coop while I tried to keep the rooster away. Once they were in the run, they just watched him as he pranced back and forth. This morning, they are just watching quietly, going about their chicken morning business.
Beautiful roo. Natural part of a flock. Also sounds like you have the right ratio also - 10:1. Pros are added protection while they're free ranging, hatch your own chicks if you want, interesting rooster behavior. Cons (maybe) are crowing and aggression towards perceived threats (i.e. you). It's kind of disconcerting at first when the rooster goes after a hen but he'll probably chill out once he has full access to them.
he's a good looking little man. i think i'd still quarantine him, as close to the coop as possible, so the girls can chat with him and get used to his presence. as Cetawin said, it's probably a bit late for worrying about biosecurity, but quarantining him for a few weeks would also give you a good chance to get to know him and get him used to you. that way, if he gets aggressive with the girls, you have a better chance of catching him.

eta: i love my roos and can't imagine not having anything strutting around the yard, singing and dancing for his ladies. when they are nice they are SUCH charmers.
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Something like this happened when we moved to our farm in Texas one day this huge rooster just walking the gate and stayed we chased him out a few times asked everyone around no one knew who he belonged to so we let him stay he was sweet and let us kids pet him he was great with the girls now we did notice he did have a lot of scars but did not know why (we were city kids) so he stayed and when my brother got a bantam rooster who decided to challenge Elmo I thought Elmo would kill him nope just stepped on him and gave him a great lecture then let him up and from that day one until Elmo died they where friends. So I would see what happens good luck.

I took some treats up to him and sat with him for a bit. He will approach about 4 feet, but no closer. Might be cuz I chased him around yesterday? The girls are pretty much ignoring him and his crowing now as you can see from the picture. More later as this develops. He is quite beautiful.
He's a very pretty boy. But it sounds like he hasn't been very socialized. Good and bad. Good, in that he probably won't try to dominate the hand that feeds him, having little experience with human care. Bad, in that he may never get quite used to hand-eating. I agree with others' advice. The girls are probably just confused because they've never really known a male of the same species. That can change.

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