Do my 3 week old chicks need a heat lamb


5 Years
Feb 26, 2016
I know my chick need to be between 80-85 degrees, but what amout when it is humid outside. I live in East Texas and it is 89 degrees but feels 97 degrees. By midnight it will be 79 degrees but feel 85. Would it be ok to not give them a heat lamb.
you can check it

if they stayed away from the heat lamp it's probably too hot so try moving it up if still the same maybe remove it during the day and only use it at night

3 weeks? i think about the same age as my chicks when i got them home..

i put them in the pen on day 1 and bring them in at night 75

Mine turned 3 weeks today, I stopped using their heat lamp over the weekend because it got really hot. I'm considering mine done with extra heat as they are halfway feathered and they are outside all day. I'm in Wisconsin, so yours should be fine down in hot Texas without extra heat at this point.
I'm in Hawaii, it gets very hot & humid here too. Once mine are fully feathered, it's lights off especially during the summer months. In Sept I'll be getting a new set of chicks, I'm going to try the MHP/Blooie's method.
Thank you all for your help. Mine are not fully feathered. They are Blue Laced Wyandottes and only have some feathers on their upper back.
Mine aren't fully feathered, they have wing feathers and some back feathers. It's warm enough, they will pile to stay warm if necessary.
Thank you all for your help. Mine are not fully feathered. They are Blue Laced Wyandottes and only have some feathers on their upper back.

Think it's warm enough for them to be off light during the day. You could put the light on at night, check them before you go to bed & see if they're under the light or away. If they're away, they're warm enough. Shavings help insulate the heat from their bodies. Main thing they don't catch the draft, oldhenlikesdogs is right, if you got a bunch of them for sure their body heat will keep them warm too. Need to use your judgement, it's hard being a "Mama" :)

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