Do my chicks still need a heating plate?


May 17, 2022
I have 5 chicks. 2 buff orpingtons that are around 2 weeks old, and 2 EE's and a sapphire gem that are around 3 weeks old. I'm wondering if they're too hot or if they still need their heating plate. They have feathers on their sides and backs. Just fluffy on their necks and heads. For the past week, they've been spending almost no time underneath their heating plate. When I go to wake them all up, they're either on top of the heating plate, on the ground away from the plate, or sometimes the orpingtons will have their back end underneath the plate. They're in a garage that's around 80 degrees or more during the day and not less than 65-70 at night. They haven't been chirping loud or panting but they have had runny poops. Would they be fine if I removed the plate?
I've read that they need the heating plate until 6 weeks but it takes up a lot of space in the brooder and don't seem to use it often.
The 2 week olds likely still need some heat at night, the 3 week olds may not. Your daytime temps should be fine for both age groups. So I would leave it in another week, and reassess from there.

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