Do wade jeane marans have white on the wing tips?


13 Years
Oct 11, 2010
Hi can anyone tell me if this is true? I purchased a pair of marans hens from a breeder who claims his stock came from wade jeane. He told me that the wade jeane line has white tips on there wings. Is this true?
As chicks they'll look like they have a little tux on... but as adults No! The only marans that should have white as an adult are white marans. I'm assuming your's are Black Copper? White feathers on black copper are DQs that every breeder culls for at one stage in life or another (Some wait until adulthood, some cull at juveniles) Eitherway though, white feathers are not acceptable...but probable with the breed.
I'm sorry to hear this, sounds like someone talked you into buying their culls.
But I will tell you that the darkest eggs I've seen have the Jeane line
so if all you're looking for is dark eggs you should be good.
PS Come join us over on the Marans thread especially if you bring pictures
we are picture maniacs

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