Just when I thought I’d figured her out, this little lady sprouted a crest in the last couple of days. About 5 weeks old today, is she a cream legbar? She’s from Meyer, but wasn’t banded.
A few photos of her growth for good measure.
Few days old
3 weeks
Also, we have this EE who should be a pullet yet she has always been *so* much bigger than everyone else (same age/order) and her legs/feet are really big. Should I be keeping an eye on the comb just in case?
A few photos of her growth for good measure.
Few days old
3 weeks
Also, we have this EE who should be a pullet yet she has always been *so* much bigger than everyone else (same age/order) and her legs/feet are really big. Should I be keeping an eye on the comb just in case?