Do we have a rooster or a hen??


8 Years
Jul 15, 2011
Someone dropped off this sweetie about 4 months ago after the poor thing had been beaten up by its cagemates. We still don't know whether it is a rooster or hen. No crowing yet, but many interactive sounds and actions. He/she follows us and the dogs around and always seems to be interested in having a conversation. It is afraid of our other chickens though (all hens). Can anyone help?

Oh flattery will get you everywhere!

If it matters, the comb, face and and wattles are a bit redder than the photo portrays, and interestingly enough, change intensity during the day--blood flow increases and it gets much redder Didn't know chickens could blush.

So I hope that a redder that illustrated comb doesn't change anyone's opinion! He/she purrs and trills, whistles for handouts, and hangs out with the dogs and cats. Any speculation on age or breed? We think at least 4 months and unsure about pedigree.
I say hen too. We know she is more than four months old since you've had her that long. A 4-month-old roo would have a much bigger comb and would also have pointy sickle, saddle & hackle feathers and well developed tail feathers, none of which this girl has.
She is so pretty, I have a hen that looked like her when she was younger she is heavier now, and yes her waddles and comb are red. Her feathers cast green in the sunshine and she has always been a good brown egg layer, what is she, I don't know she was from a feed store, but follows me around, and hangs out with the dogs and chats and chats.
It looks like you have an Austrolope hen on your hands!! She looks about 6 - 8 months, but she would be crowing already if it were a roo.

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