- Aug 8, 2008
- 19
- 0
- 22
I currently have 15, almost 3 yr old, Buff Orpingtons and 17, 9 month old, Isa Browns. Over the last 4 months I have lost 4 of my Buffs. Every 3 -5 weeks or so I find one acting oddly and then within 2 weeks they die. The Buffs were vaccinated for Coccidosis and Mareks as hatchlings, but the Isas were not, as they came from the local grain elevator and this wasn't an option. The combs look pale. The feathers are all fluffed up about the head and neck - like there is no definition between the body and head. They move a little slowly. They still have hardy appetites and push the others around for food, etc., no behavior problems - the other girls don't seem to notice any difference or treat them differently. They progressivly seem to get tipsy and knock over and extend the wing to balance and then move on as normal. Eventually they tip over and can't get up without assistance. They have a heat lamp so they are not cold in these chilly evenings. I don't know if they are just "old" and this is what happens with larger breeds. They are big breasted, hearty birds. Do they get lame? I meant to let them lay for 2 years and then put them in the freezer, but I just couldn't bring myself to it. That is why I got the new layers this spring. The Buffs only lay an egg or two per week these days and feeding 19 of them - until recently - seemed wasteful, but I just couldn't bring myself to send them off. Any suggestions on what the issue might be?
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