Do/would you re-use the pot?


11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
We processed 2 chickens today and dunked them in boiling water in our Turkey Fryer pot. Would you re-use that pot for anything else other than dipping dead chickens? My husband would but I am not really wanting to. What are your thoughts?
Clean it out well with soapy water and if you are really worried about it, then fill with water and let it come to a boil for 5-10 min. That will totally sterilize it.

Look at it this way - do you reuse pans you use to cook chicken? If you ever bought store chickens, there was likely microscopic fecal material & intestinal microbes on at least some of the chicken you've bought over the years when you took it out of the packaging.
If reading all of that still doesn't make you feel any better, try picking up a bottle of rubbing alcohol and wipe it down with that. Maybe that will make it feel more sterilized to you.
Sterilize it, then it will be sterilized
I bleach everything and know it is clean and sterile. I wouldn't have second thoughts on using it again for anything, simple soap and water will be fine. A dead chicken is a dead chicken...whether store bought or home processed:>)

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