Do Y'all Eat Livers, Gizzards, and Hearts?

I love them, but doc said to avoid them since they are high in the bad colesteral. Its the internal organ thing. What he doesn't know can't hurt HIM
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Great stuff. But in the last year or so you can no longer buy the gizzards and hearts together. They now only sell gizzards. I preffer the hearts. They are softer. I have not eaten any of my own chickens. We talk about it but have not as of yet. I just do not know if I can.
I love to boil the gizzards a LONG time. Then when you are sure they are tender, add some bbq sauce, worchestershire, garlic........ whatever you feel like really... and man that is good.
I've heard that if you want a healthy heart, you should eat animals' hearts. If you want a healthy liver, eat animals' livers and so on. Does anyone know if there's any truth to that? I'd like to have good eye sight!
Fried chicken livers is one of my favorites followed closely by the gizzards. My husband had never in his life had chicken livers (nor any liver for that matter) but he had a yuck factor he carried around. I fried and fed him chicken livers many times before he even knew he was eating them. LOL I know how bad that sounds. If you ask him he doesn't remember eating them but he does without complaint/knowing at least once a month or so. He eats what I put on the table.

I use the gizzards, livers and hearts for giblets to make my chicken and dressing and for giblet gravey.

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Plester - it is not as hard as you think and your own birds taste better than commercial chicken.
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I use the gizzards, livers and hearts for giblets to make my chicken and dressing and for giblet gravey.

OK what time is thanksgiving dinner! or lunch or anything involving giblet gravy and dressing.

*Wiping my mouth of drule*​
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