Generally I don't. Alright, I still don't. However, one particular human just got put on my DNR list....yup, that's right, no CPR if you are dyin' baby. May I rant??????
It is doubtful, but some may remember the friend I posted about long ago....she has a SERIOUS weight problem (5' tall 300+ pounds). I have been helping her plan healthy meals, helping her choose healthy foods, talking her out of trips to McD's, gone on walks with her even though I am insanely busy, bought her an MP3 player for company so she can walk alone.....I also just made sure I am there for her. She has been suicidal and done other things I have talked her through. I ignore all her nasty little jabs...telling me my hair is getting lots of grey making me look old, telling me my yard is ugly (we had our house built 4 years ago and the yard has been a nightmare but I don't need reminded) making up lies about me to make other people not like me so she can monopolize all my time, she actually faked a heart attack when my husband got her so I would HAVE to come see her in the hospital. Scary stuff really. But THIS was too much.
She calls me all excited and tells me she met someone. I have been trying to help her find a man for YEARS, so I was happy. She starts telling me about him. He will be coming over for dinner that night, too, and has to bring along his baby. WHY you ask?????? Because he will be coming over as soon as his live in girlfriend goes to work.
He assured her they aren't having any problems (not that it matters anyway) and that he just wants something a little extra....and he has already been over to her house once.
Alright, that is all. I know, I ended that like a cheap, low budget movie. I just had to say that cause I want to scream!!! OMG.....I am so glad her level of indecency is rare!!!
It is doubtful, but some may remember the friend I posted about long ago....she has a SERIOUS weight problem (5' tall 300+ pounds). I have been helping her plan healthy meals, helping her choose healthy foods, talking her out of trips to McD's, gone on walks with her even though I am insanely busy, bought her an MP3 player for company so she can walk alone.....I also just made sure I am there for her. She has been suicidal and done other things I have talked her through. I ignore all her nasty little jabs...telling me my hair is getting lots of grey making me look old, telling me my yard is ugly (we had our house built 4 years ago and the yard has been a nightmare but I don't need reminded) making up lies about me to make other people not like me so she can monopolize all my time, she actually faked a heart attack when my husband got her so I would HAVE to come see her in the hospital. Scary stuff really. But THIS was too much.
She calls me all excited and tells me she met someone. I have been trying to help her find a man for YEARS, so I was happy. She starts telling me about him. He will be coming over for dinner that night, too, and has to bring along his baby. WHY you ask?????? Because he will be coming over as soon as his live in girlfriend goes to work.

Alright, that is all. I know, I ended that like a cheap, low budget movie. I just had to say that cause I want to scream!!! OMG.....I am so glad her level of indecency is rare!!!