Do you have broody ducks?


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
I currently have 2 Muscovy hens on nests and 1 more building hers
Just wondered if anyone else has any brooding hens out there?

Pebbles is now on 6 new eggs. Her last clutch was ruined by the chickens.
Zima is on about 10 eggs
Kahlua is getting ready to start setting on about 12 eggs.

I can't wait to have Muscovy babies running around!
My ducks just recently started laying, but I had quite a few last year that did go broody. I imagine they will again this year, since I can't find their eggs
I keep threatening to lock them up so I can find their eggs, we'll see if it works
I had a few that went broody in January into early February and actually got lots of fertile eggs in the middle of winter this year. I have very seldom seen my bantam ducks lay so early in the year (especially fertile eggs!), but they do frequently go broody in general during the breeding season.
I have a 'wild' scovie ( one of mine who decided the next door neighbors pond is a better place to live than my run. SHe comes home all the time for feed and to socialize though) is starting a nest of the side of our barn. 6 eggs so far. Then my magpie and magpie cross are starting a nest, my cayuga cross also has a nest started, and someone else has a small nest but im not sure yet who. I cant wait fro the pidder padder of duckling feet!!

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