Do you own chickens or the chickens own you?


9 Years
Jan 1, 2012
Puerto Rico
Are you a chicken owner or the chickens own you??? Lately I have been feeling like they are the owners and I'm the servant. They ask , I deliver. Do everybody feel the same?
Lets see now. I own the chickens, my wife thinks she owns me and my chickens own my wife. Go figure that one out.
my girls own me. i serve them. i love them. they see me as the "treat lady". i DO have one girl who is SO SWEET! all my girls are sweet, but Cricket (my favorite....yes, i DO have a favorite, but please don't tell the others!).....she likes to stand on my lap (yes, stand, not sit) so that she can nuzzle her head in my hair and also pick at my hair. i try to get her to sit sometimes, and she just won't. she will live as long as she can even if she never lays another egg. to me, they are the best pets ever!

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