Do you think I've messed up my girls?


7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
Entiat, WA
We just moved. I got my 11 hens settled Jan 4th in their "new" coop. I was a little worried about the cold weather because their old coop was insulated and this one isn't so I put a heat lamp. It was on for a week and a half and then I switched it to just a red bulb. I did that because I noticed that they were laying more eggs than normal and I was worried that the light was stimulating them too much. Then, just a few days ago, I turned it off completely because I was still getting a lot more eggs per day than before.
Do you think all this light changing is bad for them?
How do you give your hens (if you do) a little extra heat without light?
It probably will throw them off a bit. My birds don't get any supplemental heat at all (and they're Silkies, an ultra foo foo breed). IMO, it just makes it harder for then to regulate their temps when they go from a warm coop to the chilly outdoors. As long as your coop is free of drafts, they should be just fine. They have all of those wonderful feathers to keep them warm, and again- my opinion, chickens tolerate the cold much better than the heat. I say leave them be, they'll be alright in the coop without the lamp. Good luck!

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