Do you think she is 1/2 Silkie, 1/2 Serama or ???


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 1, 2011
This little hen is the tiniest chicken I have ever had. She is over 3 months in this picture. I know she is 1/2 Silkie, and I am thinking 1/2 Serama. The lady I bought her from had a Serama roo running around. She got a little growth spurt last week, but is the size of my other chicken that is around 1 month old. One other chick I got around the same time is about 10 times bigger than her!

She is the sweetest little thing, too. Opinions?

thats lovely colouring i have a cupple cross breeds much the same colour but all mine have slate legs unlike the yellow on her what colour was the roo that was runing around i managed to get mine from a gray hen and a bantam blk( i think ) EE but could have been pure .
She has 5 toes like a Silkie, but is just starting to show a couple of small feathers on her feet. The other Silkie mixes had very different feet, a different color with lots of feathers. The serama roo was white with mixed colors...not sure what that is called. I was told she was a cross with a lemon blue bantam roo and a silkie hen, but I am now thinking that she may be silkie hen with serama roo.

I have no idea how she will ever lay an egg...she is so small.

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