Dodge City Hatchery New Update

Banty Rooster

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 14, 2008
Cullman, Al.
Standard Breeds: Buff Orpingtons, Black Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire Reds, Dominique, Golden Laced Wyandottes, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Lakenvelders, Barnvelders, Light Brahmas, White Crested Black Polish, White Crested Blue Polish, Silver Laced Polish, German Spitzenhauben, Black Sumatra, Speckled Sussex, Welsummers, Blue Cochens, Splash Cochens, Brown Leghorns

Bantams: Golden Seabrights, Silver Seabrights, Belguim Quail, Gray Japs, White Japs, Black Japs, Black Tailed Buff Japs, Black Tailed White Japs, White Wyandottes

Cochen Bantams: Black, Buff, Mottled, Golden Laced, Blue, Splash

Old English Games Bantams: Barred Rocks, Blacks, B.B. Reds, Blue Brassie Backs, Blue Golds, Blues, Splash, Blue Reds, Blue Mille Fluer, Buffs, Chocalates, Creles, Brown Reds, Fawn Duckwings, Ginger Reds, Lemon Blues, Mille Fluer, O.E Quails, Red Pyles, Spangled, Self Blue, Sports, Blue Weatons, Wheatons, White, Siver Duckwings

No Shipping till after first of the year. Pick up available now


Just Started our new 60 foot, 34 run, chicken house

If you will check out some of my other postings, you will find some pictures of our stock and our facilities.

Please PM me For Directions or Phone Numbers
Must Leave Me A E-Mail Address
Hello again --

I'm interested in your Barnevelders and splash bantam cochins, and possibly one or two of your Sussex and/or Welsummers. How is the egg color on your barnies and wellies? How old are the birds?
my barnvelders and welsummers should start laying within the next month sorry no bitties available now. the splash are laying now though
No bantam cochins available at all?

If your barnies and wellies came from good dark eggs, then I'd like a trio of the barnies and one or two pullets of the wellies, plus one or two Sussex pullets depending on how they look. If they are available now, I can probably arrange pickup tomorrow or Friday.
Hi again --

Nah, I don't want the buff. But I called you and left you a message to talk to you about the other birds. Give me a call back when you get a chance!

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