Does Ameraucanas just lay blue eggs


In the Brooder
Oct 6, 2018
Good day
Ive read that pure Ameraucanas just lay blue eggs but way is there green eggs on the Ameraucana egg colour chart?
Please can some one help or tell me can a ameraucana lay green eggs?
Thank you very much
Thank you for your reply, so if an egg is the colour on the chart it can go as a Ameraucana? Sorry for asking, because i got a lot of Ameraucanas and some of them lay green eggs. If they are not Ameraucana im going to them in with the easter eggers.
Pics if the birds and where did you get them? Ameraucanas come in specific colors but Easter Eggers do not have a standard.
edit: I see 2 Easter Eggers in your profile pic :) From what I can tell they are gorgeous!
Easter Egger lay a rainbow of color. True Ameraucanas lay blue. My EE was sold as a Ameraucana she lays pink eggs. She was twice the money of my SLW. Big disappointment to my husband who wanted “his girl” to lay blue. Totally sweet bird tho.
Araucana’s (notice spelling)
Lay blue eggs. They have ear tufts and are rumpless.
They don’t have beards.
Noticeble difference from EE.
Not all EE’s have beards and cheak tufts. Some are sleek in their feathers. EE’s can be like a box of chocolates you’ll never know what you’re gonna get.

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