Does an Americana Roo change the look of the newly hatched chicks & their eggs?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
I have an Americana Roo and I have the following hens: Red Stars, Americana, Cuckoo Marans, Buff Orpingons, Silver laced Wynadottes. We are currently hatching from the above eggs. Will these chicks/chickens look differently than the the above chicks I ordered from Murray McMurray? Will their eggs be different colors than the original hens? Thanks!
The chicks will be varied in appearance because they will be mixed breed birds. If you post a photo of the "Americana" cockerel we can better assess whether he is likely to have and be able to pass on the blue egg gene -which will be important in whether or not the chicks will have the potential to lay colored eggs. Even if he does carry the genetics it is not a guarantee that all the female chicks will lay colored eggs. Of my most recent hatch involving an EE roo and GLW hens I got one green egg laying pullet and one brown egg laying pullet (the other three of the hatch were cockerels). Seeing the roo will also help us get a better idea of what hte chicks of each cross may have the potential of looking like.

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