Does anyone give cod liver oil as a supplement?


10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
West Virginia
I went to Barnes and Noble, so I could enjoy sitting down with a Starbuck's coffee and reading Practical Poultry, and the advice column in Practical Poultry suggested feeding cod liver oil, as a supplement.

So I wondered if anyone does this, and if so how much.

I was a little concerned that it would make the eggs taste icky, but surely they would not suggest this if it did?

Not sure on the dosage, but I do know if you use it often that the eggs will begin to taste fishy. You could use black oil sunflower seeds and get near the same benefits. The cod liver oil would give them additional animal protien which is not available in the sunflower seeds.
Thanks, Cuban--would you get the black oil sunflower seeds just in Walmart or something? Is that what they would be called? I have seen sunflower seeds out there, but I don't remember that they were referred to as 'black oil' sunflower seeds.

I certainly do NOT want my eggs to start tasting fishy.

We get our black sunflower seeds in the bulk section at our feed store. Its way cheaper than what I have seen in regular stores. Might want to check your feed store.

Hey Maggies thanks for sharing with unseen thread and I will bookmark the link you share....!!!


Kelvin Smith

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