Does anyone have Pictures of Delaware Carcasses?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
I am very interested in raising Delaware Hens and Roosters and butchering the Roos for meat.

Does anyone have any pictures of freshly butchered Delaware Roos or Hens?

I looked around the forum but didn't find anything?? Of course there are probably pictures of this somewhere on here... i just haven't found them yet.

WOW!! 7.5lb Carcass in 16 weeks!! Impressive! I've always heard they would be about 4 or 5 lbs.
I didn't dress out any but the Delawares I just had were large and grew faster then my new Hampshire's and rirs. They are pretty docile and good free rangers too. I'll be getting more in February hopefully

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